Sunday, May 29, 2016

Electives (Some people are annoying)

Hello this week I will be talking about how my elective is going I chose Creative Computers which is where we make a movie and play Minecraft. One thing I don't understand is how do people not understand how to coil up a mouse or put away a computer some people don't know where to put their computer one instance is someone had put the new computers from rm11s cow into the cow in room 12. Even though they took the computer from rm11 they still put it back in the rm12 cow.

I feel like the first few weeks of Creative computers has been good my group has recorded everything but we have yet to go on the server. one thing that happened on the Minecraft server is Someone placed water all over our island (they said they thought it was their island I did not believe this).

We have been learning how to build stuff on Minecraft (not really) And we have also been learning how to make movies (True).

Is it what I had expected..... yes because I have been doing creative computers ever since I was able to join.

What can I do to get the most out of my elective I can make it so if someone's being a downer not let them get through to me and make me feel bad/sad. I can also make it so if someone breaks something I've made in Minecraft or when we edit our movie someone deletes all the progress we've made not let that make me angry.

Tip: if someone's being a downer and making you feel sad as if you were an outcast the most you can do is smile because smiling will make you feel much better.



  1. Yes... That water was someone in your elective *Shifts eyes*

  2. Good advise on anger management.
    People these days don't know how to plug in lap-tops.
