Sunday, May 22, 2016

Castles (are old) team work (can be annoying)

Hi  guys last week we had to build castles (I felt like my group was the best). The aim was to build a castle from paper, The thing was we had to build our own nets so it got kind of annoying at times when all I wanted to do was just relax and have a break but I was told I had to make more things. I made something like 9 buildings compared to some peoples 0 which was very annoying because it meant I had done more work than them as they just sat back and relaxed when I deserved some time off. Some people in my group walked off to do tasks which left me and Avania to do a whole lot more work. The annoying thing was that on Friday me and Avania had done all of our tasks and the other two hadn't so I got really annoyed when I was told I had to make another few buildings I just wanted to throw everything down and runoff but no I had to hold strong and complete the castle. 

Sorry about the rant I just had to vent some stress/announce from me and bring it out into the air.

Now getting to the questions, I felt that when we were working as a team and not all separate we did quite good we all seemed to agree on things and it just happened.

How we decided on things we sort of just put up the idea and if the others liked it we would use that idea and use it to make things look better, like I thought of putting banners on the front towers. So we did and it makes it look way better.

Some of the problems were what I said earlier That some people walked away and some people didn't fold anything or make any nets like I did (I did get help from Avania, I made the nets and she folded them because I cannot fold anything).

Sorry about all the ranting and allbut this just brought up so... many... emo....emotions sorry sorry

*Walks off crying*

Bye I guess