Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cross Country (sort of)

Hi guys so on Tuesday we had the cross country I didn't participate I had reasons sort of (not really but who really cares it is almost a sort of child labor I was exercising my rights). So did I enjoy it yes because me and Katherine stood in the furthest corner directing people round the cone. What we did was just stand their and talk but we still did our job I supported the people running (When they came of course).

Well since I didn't run or anything I Have to say when I demonstrated perseverance earlier in the day when we were making nets in math. I think I demonstrated perseverance when we had to cut out our nets and make them into their cuboid form because I got not very happy with the gluing it together stage but I just carried on with it.
So going back to the cross country (Which is really forwards) I saw Aidan Watson persevere through the race even though he was finding it really hard he kept going.

So we are keeping on with the theme of cross country and School values. The next one is Empathy I saw Riley and Mahon supporting each other even though they were still moving they were talking and just having a good time.

So that's it for this week see you next time I guess.