Sunday, November 27, 2016

Plants are kinda strange (their like people)

My Parsley
It has been drowned over 3000 times
Plants are like a very advanced human species that are really small yet very advanced compared to the human race the thing is they created things like gliders, helicopters and floating raft things.  So hi we're back for another week and now for some boring facts that are supposed to be interesting because they are plants, but plants are boring so I'm very confused.

Fact numero uno, Plants are living organisms that have to be pollinated in order to grow pollinating can be done in a few different ways from the wind to insects.

Fact... number... two (can you see I'm already bored of this after the fist fact I'm already done).  There are male and female versions of plants.

Fact three, plants live on a very different time scale to us. So for them time is accelerated, Which means they grow very quickly.

Fact 4, The colour of the flower determines what they are most commonly pollinated by. If the flower is white it is most likely pollinated at night.

So that's it for this week bye.
Image result for simpsons tomacco gif

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Term 4 Goals Reflection thingy [insert joke here]

Goals Goals Goals why are goals a thing when I've basically already forgotten what all my goals were so I had to look back in my book to remember what they were. What do I still need to do to achieve them, a lot of my goals take the whole term to complete because they are stuff like keep doing this.

Image result for simpsons goal gif
Are there any other goals that I want to add OF COURSE NOT!!!! because that would mean extra work.

I have no rants so I will rant about not having rants. I really should have renamed my blog Rant central but I just have no rants at the moment. I guess people are just more "rational" these days I guess it was just production making people "insane".  Why do people have to think that they have soo much work but its like only five reasonable things. So that was my quick rant to make this longer.

Bye now I guess this looks short because there was like two questions.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Speeches (why why why soooo prepared you know just soooo prepared)

Image result for simpsons speech gifHi I am toootaly prepared to say my speech yaknow like I've memorised it all and I only have notes on my cue cards. If you could not see the sarcasm in that sentence how dumb are you. Ok so I am not prepared at all I was meant to try to memorise my speech in the weekends but instead I ended up playing games all day. Which means I have memorise anything but a few bits that have stuck in my head when I was writing it out.

The cue cards are probably the only thing that I have done. why did I commit to the gaming life not the work life. Oh yeah because its way more fun.

What do I have to work on mainly eye contact and not swaying. Swaying is just a thing that happens naturally I don't know why but it just happens and a lot of the time I don't notice I am swaying. Eye contact is just a thing that you do when you have actually memorised your speech which I have not.

So that's it for this week but here's a fun fact I was really good at doing poems in the younger years but when we got to speeches I just stopped being good, I guess I just peeked to early.

I will now take my leave.
Image result for simpsons speech gif

Monday, November 7, 2016

Book week (reflection)

Hi book week was nothing this year compared to last year wasn't as impressive as last year. Well any way the author that came (Fifi Coulston) she was very good and talked about very interesting topics ("things" for you simple minded people) book character parade wasn't much because all you did was sit there and look at what the other kids are dressed up as, it was  soooooooooooooooooooooo..... boring.

The book week was great [insert sarcastic joke here] well the year 7 and 8 rounds were better because they were just better questions. The younger rounds were alright they were very simple picture books but that's what the little kids read and know about.

The book swap was good it was more lucrative for the younger kids though because there were more books for younger kids than for the older kids. Since I helped out I got to get my books before everyone else so I got some reasonable good young adult books.

The book week activity I did was draw a map so I drew a map of Araluen from the rangers apprentice story. I would say I did a pretty good job of tracing the map from the second book (for some reason the first book didn't have a map).

So that's it for this week BYE!

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Monday, October 31, 2016

Books Books Books (Words)

Image result for theodore booneImage result for pooh bear booksHi Books are a thing, they have letters, and English words. Ok so now we have that out of the way today I am going to be talking about books because it be (I spelt it like this on purpose) book week. What was my favoutite picture book when I was little, was probably... the Whine-The-Pooh books, I don't know why but yeah.

Who's my favourite author. My favourite author is... John Grishman. I don't know why exactly but he writes the, Theodore Boone series of books and I'm really liking that series at the moment so that's why I chose him.

Best book I have read this year would have to bee the finisher/the keeper because they just had so much mystery and magic and lore/backstory to it that it was just so interesting. I would only recommend it to good readers because it has quite a few complicated words and the book itself is very long ( Both the books are very long so make sure you are okay with that if you are going to read it). 

So that's I for this week that was a little insight to my reading life. so yeah, bye!
Image result for the keeper bookImage result for the keeper bookImage result for simpsons book gif

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Production Over View (for me)

Hi guys so today I do not have a rant *gasp* *shocked look* *gasp* but it is only because the production went so well (maybe its just because of me but......). I felt that everyone that had an acting role even the smallest ones did amazing. What did I enjoy most about my role, Well all of it even the stress of all the timing and yada yada yada.... but yeah loved all of it even talking to the other guythat was doing the sound levels on the mics and stuff. he was a cool dude he told me about a lot of the stuff he does in his job (Fun Fact: he had been doing that sort of work for one week.)

What was the highlight for me, the highlight for me would have have been that feeling after nailing the timing, and also just the atmosphere.

The funniest moment for me, would have to have been when the skunk scouts went onto the stage and the whole crowd went ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh (because they hadn't seen the skunks yet so they looked extra cute.

Image result for simpsons stage gifIs there anything that I would have differently, no! of course not it was just so good.

One thing did not know about was having my own time to take a bow in front of the audience (I was not told that I was going to be going on stage by myself?!)

So that's it for this week.

And no this is not meant to be me!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Speech... thing... guote... no... idea

I have a dream. It's about food. hi so we're back and I have chosen ,I have a dream, as my quote (get it I... I had it as the start of my blog post... get it... get it bad joke sorry). Soo... I have a dream, is a quote from Martin Luther King Juniors' speech. He wrote it for black rights in America. It appeals to me because it feels good to hear/say, and its really inspirational.

I feel like I just summed all of that up in one paragraph... I have no idea what to fill the rest of this up with a rant or something. Its the beginning of term so I have no rants that I have to say soo...

This gif takes up a lot of space so it makes it look longer.

Image result for simpsons speech gif