Sunday, November 27, 2016

Plants are kinda strange (their like people)

My Parsley
It has been drowned over 3000 times
Plants are like a very advanced human species that are really small yet very advanced compared to the human race the thing is they created things like gliders, helicopters and floating raft things.  So hi we're back for another week and now for some boring facts that are supposed to be interesting because they are plants, but plants are boring so I'm very confused.

Fact numero uno, Plants are living organisms that have to be pollinated in order to grow pollinating can be done in a few different ways from the wind to insects.

Fact... number... two (can you see I'm already bored of this after the fist fact I'm already done).  There are male and female versions of plants.

Fact three, plants live on a very different time scale to us. So for them time is accelerated, Which means they grow very quickly.

Fact 4, The colour of the flower determines what they are most commonly pollinated by. If the flower is white it is most likely pollinated at night.

So that's it for this week bye.
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