Wednesday, October 28, 2015

my favourite thing Kind of

hi so, well this week we were told to write about something that we like or our favorite thing but I have so many that I will pick two. My favorite book/series which is GONE it is amazing and my favorite TV show which is either forever or The Simpsons.

The Simpsons has been going for over thirty years.they have had many famous people go on the show. They have been to so many country's from Japan to Australia where they brought in bull frogs that multiplied a lot.

Forever is the other favorite TV show because it was all about this guy who could live forever. He also had an enemy that had the same thing but he was Julius Cesar.

Gone is my favorite book because it is just so spooky. there is a person that can regrow there own body but is also two people.
Image result for gone the book