Monday, August 31, 2015

J,M.W turner

Hi this week this week we were told to write about one of our favorite artist J.M.W turner is my favorite artist because his art is so in depth and beautiful.
Joseph Mallord William Turner was born on April 23 1775 in London . He died on December 19 1851.
This is my favorite piece and it is called The Fighting Temeraire. Mainly because of the sky and how it was done It was made with oil paint. The thing that gave him this idea was The Fighting Temeraire which in this picture is being tugged into harbor. What I like about this is how its so beautiful.
This one is called slave ship again my favorite bit is the sky the reason I like him is because he does sky's so well. This one was painted with oil paints like the other. In this painting it shows slaves that are dead or dying being thrown over board and a typhoon coming. The reasons why I like this one is because it shows the times that he was in really well. The other reason is because the waves look so well.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sports Fest

Tuesday 25th August. Pre Sports Fest
Hi so this post is about before the sports fest. What I'm looking forward to is playing table tennis with my team and seeing how we do. What I can do for my team is play my best and be supportive if we have a big fail. Also be nice to the other teams unless they get annoying then I will bring out my big serve.

Wednesday 26th August. After Sports Fest
Well our team came eighth out of eleven teams (really just eight because the girls were separate). I stopped our team from getting thrashed by beating one person where everybody else had lost it was a close match but I still won. Another thing is it was during the playoffs I was beating this guy so hard that it was going to be 0/11 but I let him have one point so it was 1/11 then I won the match. What I did to help my team was well saving us from getting thrashed but I won matches that the others hadn't. The venue was good so everyone was playing or doing something else like umpiring and the organization was good they taught you how to play better. Suggestions for next year would be have it somewhere different so you can fit them all in and not have to go running round tables to get the ball. Another suggestion is have more people there helping out not just parents and like three other people.

Give tips to me for my blog to help out and make it better.

Monday, August 17, 2015

New Zealand Flag Change

Hello this week we were told to write about New Zealand changing its flag.

The top four I would choose out of the top forty would have to be the one to the left is my first choice because I like the silver fern on it. Then the one next to it is second on my list because it shows that it represents New Zealand. The one on the far right isn't my favourite but its better than others Its not first because its not super representing New Zealand. Then the last one I chose is because it sort of looked like the old one but with a Maori.

A reason for changing the flag is because it doesn't come round every day and it looks to much like the Australian flag.
A reason against is because people have fought under that flag and one medals under that flag.
My opinion is change the flag but to something good that I would go under if not then hello America Stars and stripes all the way across the sky.
Give me some feed back so I can improve.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Arty blog Post

 Hello this week we were told to write about some art we have done and to contribute ides for art in class.

The sort of art I like to do is painting because its easier than drawing you and you don't get a sore hand. a skill in art i would like to improve on is drawing but not sketching because i think i am quite good at it. Some good ideas for our class to do in the art exhibition is build a big star ship cruiser and have background with a whole fleet flying behind it.
Star Ship Cruiser
Aztec Mask Collage

Monday, August 3, 2015

Two people I Would invite for dinner

The first person which has to be a real person is Tom Cruise because it would be amazing to meet and have a conversation with someone so famous. Some thoughtful questions I would ask would be how did you learn how to be an actor? and how long did it take you to get good at acting?  what we would eat would be a nice big piece of rotisserie pork with a nice bread sauce and to drink we would have some lemonade. The other person would be a real person and their name is Matt Damon. I would ask him two questions the first would be How long does it take to make films? the second question would be how many people come up to you and call you Jason Bourne?

who would you invite to your dinner?