Thursday, September 22, 2016

Space thing cause yeah

Hubble finds planet orbiting star. scientist and space people have used the Hubble telescope and a trick of nature to find a planet orbiting another star. This sun with a planet is further away from the star that we orbit (it is the furthest planet we know of).  This planet doesn't just orbit one star it orbits two.

If you were the one looking through the telescope it would be one of the best days of your life, to find another planet!

This was short because I wanted to get it done and over with.
soo bye.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace Activities

Image result for simpsons space gifHi my people (I just do not stick to a hello do I) So I have to reflect on a space activity that I have done. The activity that I have done and I am going to talk about is my writing (The fiction one).  What did I enjoy about the writing? I enjoyed all of it because I like writing it is what I like to do. One thing I remember from the old Rm 10 was getting 100-200 words in one story was the most amazing thing ever.

What did I learn/what new skills did I gain by doing this? I didn't learn much or get many new skills except for just going to the depths of my imagination. But it was really fun for me because I enjoy writing especially free writing ( It wasn't fully free because I had to base it off an idea).

Well I cant really add a photo because its writing soo..... I think this is the end of my post.

It was quite a short one because there weren't that many questions.


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Time Managment (I feel that I am good) WARNING INCLUDES RANT!!!!

Hi guys today I am going to be talking about time management, But first I have to rant. So one thing I kind of don't understand is how people with main roles in the production complete their tasks even though they get no task time. Then the people who have hours on hours of task time do not get all their tasks done. I am on sound as most of you know so that means I am at every  rehearsal and get no task time. Even though I don't do work at home I get all my work done at school because then at home I can relax and play games. I feel that I know why these people who have all this time play games during task time while we have rehearsals. Mainly Because they have all their friends in their with them.
Image result for simpsons rage gif

So that was my rant...

How much work do I do at school and how much do I do at home, At school I do everything possible. At home I will only do very easy things that don't take long unless its Thursday and we have no task time on Friday so I will finish all of the work that I have not done at home.

Am I making the most of my time at school, I say so because I avoid sitting near anyone who is playing games because they will influence me into playing games and not working (its school so why are they not working on anything games are what I do at home).

What are things that help me concentrate and what makes it difficult, the most important thing to help me concentrate is silence I work better when their is no noise so when people work while listening to music I wonder how they finish all their work because they spend more time finding a song than they do working. What makes it harder people playing games and noise.

What can I do to overcome these difficulties, I can only work in room 12 and avoid people that play games.

Thank you for listening to my rant.
