Monday, February 29, 2016


Hello it's me, I'm back from being annoyingly sick If you want to know where I was for two weeks ago go back to my last post. Today I will be talking about my experience with Duolingo not how much Xp I have which is 600 if you were wondering and I'm up to time. I have learnt stuff like:

Nosotros beben agua - We drink water
Es oso - the bear
Beben agua - drink water

What I enjoy about Duolingo is that its an easy way to learn how to speak Spanish it makes you revise what you have learnt. Some cool things about it is that you can buy more stuff from the shop with lingots. The first thing I went for was the formal attire now I'm saving for the second outfit which is made of gold.

I haven't found much difficult but the fact that you have to keep going over what you have learnt is good but really annoying. That's basically all I've found difficult except for the fact that on devices where you use the app you will be a lower level and for some reason less fluent at Spanish.

I really do feel that it has helped me learn Spanish because I now know stuff further ahead than the class. It is way better than the videos and writing down of the words and stuff it might help me a bit but not as much as Duolingo.

Tips for other people well do it every day I am on an eleven day streak (On day of post). Focus on getting to a really high amount of Xp in one day then the day after go threw and strengthen the lesson. Use a mobile device it is way better than the computer version.
Bye see you in my next post and I'm feeling way better.

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